Gwen Stefani

Gwen Stefani biography
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Interesting Biography Facts

Real name

Gwen Renée Stefani


singer, songwriter, actress

Birth Date

October 3, 1969


54 years

Zodiac Sign



Fullerton, California, United States


Loara High School, Fullerton College, California State University



Gwen Stefani family members

Father's Name

Dennis Stefani

Mother's Name

Patti Flynn-Stefani

Siblings names

Eric Matthew Stefani (older brother), Jill Stefani (younger sister), Todd Stefani (younger brother)

Is Gwen Stefani a lesbian/bisexual?


What is Gwen Stefani marital status?


Who is Gwen Stefani husband?

Blake Shelton

When did get married?

July 3, 2021

How many children does she have?

3 (sons Kingston James McGregor, Zuma Nesta Rock Rossdale, Apollo Bowie Flynn Rossdale)

Gwen Stefani relatives

Gwen Stefani husband

Gavin Rossdale (ex-husband)

Gwen Stefani ex husband

photo instagram / gavinrossdale

Date of birth: October 30, 1965

Blake Shelton (husband)

Gwen Stefani boyfriend Blake Shelton

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Date of birth: June 18, 1976

Gwen Stefani kids

Kingston Rossdale (son with Gavin Rossdale)

Gwen Stefani kids Kingston Rossdale

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Date of birth: May 26, 2006

Zuma Rossdale (son with Gavin Rossdale)

Zuma Rossdale son

Date of birth: August 21, 2008

Apollo Rossdale (son with Gavin Rossdale)

Gwen Stefani son

Date of birth: February 28, 2014

Who are Gwen Stefani parents?

Gwen Stefani parents

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Dennis Stefani (father)

Date of birth: June 1, 1945

Patti Flynn (mother)

Date of birth: February 24, 1946

Gwen Stefani


Gwen Stefani bio

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Her career way covers several decades, and it is marked with three Grammy awards. The singer, actress, designer and owner of her own show in Las Vegas, Gwen Stefani is really focused on her family life right now. In fact, her hearth and home have always been important for her.

Gwen entered this world in a small town of Fullerton, which is situated in the northern part of California. She is the second child of four in the family of Yamaha exec Dennis Stefani and his wife Patti, a home maker.

She fell in love with music in her early years, mostly due to her older brother Eric. He played the piano, and very often they arranged home music shows for their family, when Eric played and she was singing. Her other passion was sewing. Her mother taught her to sew, and very often she remade her clothes, thus creating her unique style. Later that passion inspired her to design her own line of apparel.

Gwen started her career in 1986, again with the support of her brother. He founded the band “No Doubt”, where his little sister became a vocalist. The band rose to fame after presentation of their third set of music “Tragic Kingdom”. She started solo career in early 2000s and have already released 4 solo albums. The most successful of them is the first one, titled “Love. Angel. Music. Baby”. She sold more than 7 million copies of it all over the world.

In 2023 Gwen is preparing her fifth studio album. In December 2020 she released the song “Let Me Reintroduce Myself”, which is going to be the lead single of the new album.

Interesting and fun facts

Gwen Stefani facts

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  1. Gwen is rumored to be pregnant with her fourth baby from a country singer Blake Shelton as for now.
  2. In her childhood she loved to celebrate Christmas most of all. Her main family tradition was to get Uncle Gary home. He often got drunk and could say something inappropriate.
  3. The singer tells, she doesn’t miss stage and feels comfortable at home with her sons and partner, whom she calls Blakey. But when she finally gets to the stage again and performs the show, she realizes that she really needs her audience and all that attention.
  4. Her hit of all times is “Hollaback Girl”, which brought her the first Grammy award. The song was ranked as the best-selling composition of the year.
  5. Alongside singing, Stefani also develops career of an actress. She has already starred as herself in “Dawson’s Greek and “Gossip Girl”. In addition, she lent her famous voice to DJ Suki in “Trolls”.
  6. She got her name from a stewardess in Arthur Hailey novel “Airport”.
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