Jacob Sartorius

Jacob Sartorius biography
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Interesting Biography Facts

Real name

Rolf Jacob Sartorius



Birth Date

October 2, 2002


21 years

Zodiac Sign



Oklahoma, United States



Jacob Sartorius family members

Father's Name

Rolf Sartorius

Mother's Name

Patricia Sartorius

Siblings names

Caroline Sartorius

Is Jacob Sartorius a gay/bisexual?


What is Jacob Sartorius marital status?


Jacob Sartorius family photo

carolinesartorius / family

Who are Jacob Sartorius parents?

Patricia Sartorius (mother)

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jacobsartorius / instagram

Patricia is an important person in his life. She appears in a number of Vine videos, made by her son at the beginning of his social media activity.  Now she manages his accounts, because Jacob’s schedule has become too tight.

Rolf Sartorius (father)

Jacob-Sartorius-father photo

jacobsartorius / instagram

In one of his YouTube videos Jacob Sartorius confessed, that he was adopted. So, Rolf Sartorius is not his biological father. But the boy told that his adoptive father has become the best parent for him.

Rolf Sartorius is quite a rich person. He serves as a President and CEO of Social Impact Company (SI), based in Virginia. Together with a couple of enthusiasts he founded SI 20 years ago. A small local company in the beginning, it’s a big influential organization now, which specializes in international management.

Previously Rolf served as a teacher. He taught Foreign Service in the Georgetown University. He worked in the World Bank too.

Although Rolf Sartorius is a busy person, he finds enough time to spend with his family. He didn’t regret money for his adopted son Jacob, who developed interest in music at the age of 7. Till now he is very close with his son. Jacob and Rolf like cycling along the country roads, when they find a couple of free hours to spend together.

Jacob Sartorius siblings

Caroline Sartorius (older sister)

Caroline-Sartorius-(older-sister) photo

carolinesartorius / instagram

Date of birth: May 28, 1997

Caroline is Jacob’s older sister. She is 6 years older than her famous brother. The girl was born and raised in Reston, Virginia. Firstly Caroline went into the limelight as the sister of an aspiring singer Jacob Sartorius. But her good looks and kind nature attracted lots of people to her. Thus, Caroline has become a social media star too. Currently her Instagram account is followed by more than 400, 000 fans.

Caroline is in great physical shape. The girl was a cross country runner in her teens. Now she joins her sports activity with studying at the University. She specializes in International Development. In her free time the girl likes to travel. In addition, she does a lot of charity work, for which she got the Daily Point Award.

Caroline Sartorius sister family


Jacob Sartorius is an internationally popular singer and songwriter, who is widely known by his hits “Chapstick” and “Sweatshirt”. The fans call Jacob “a new Justin Beiber”. In 2016 he has become the 9th most Googled celebrity.

Jacob was born in Oklahoma, United States. His biological parents couldn’t afford to raise the boy, that’s why they gave him for adoption. Jacob’s adoptive parents are “the most loving in the world”, according to his own words. Sartorius family resides in Reston, Virginia.

When the boy turned 7, his parents took him to a musical theater. There the boy fell in love with music art, and his parents supported his passion. From that moment Jacob visits music lessons and writes songs.

He has become popular as a singer in his hometown. After that the boy started to post music videos online. At first he uploaded lip-synced videos to the platform Musical.ly. After that he started to make comedian short videos for Vine. And finally, he created his YouTube channel.

As for now, the boy boasts with numerous cover songs and several original singles. He dreams to become a popular music star and perform on the huge stadiums and arenas.

Interesting and fun facts

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  1. Jacob Sartorius was bullied both online and offline after becoming a social media star. So, bullying problems are close for him. He has a number of videos, where he shares thoughts on bullying and tries to support other people with similar problems.
  2. The most annoying thing, which popularity brought to Jacob’s life is haters.
  3. Jacob’s favorite food is hamburgers.
  4. His favorite color is blue.
  5. Jacob Sartorius is a big fan of the rapper Drake. He visited the concert of this performer and after that felt, “his life was complete”.
  6. Jacob’s celebrity crash is Selena Gomez.
  7. The singer is just 16 now, and he is single. Jacob was dating a young actress Millie Bobby Brown in 2017-2018. Previously he was romantically linked to Maddie Ziegler and Baby Ariel.
  8. The movie, which Jacob never gets tired to re-watch, is “The Truman Show.
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